hen you are the boss, where do you go when life happens? Just because you have a great deal of responsibility and are skilled at being successful, you are not immune to the challenges and trials that can happen in life. Economic downturn, business failures, poor decisions, health issues, family distress, unforeseen circumstances, etc. can all cause enormous stress and have a negative impact on the important functions of running a business. Who does the boss turn to in times of overwhelm, or when faced with crushing obstacles??
While working with hundreds of young people in preparing them to enter the workforce, I found many parents struggling with debilitating stress and feelings of being completely overwhelmed, especially those who were business owners and executives. In these roles, the stakes are high and there is a great deal of responsibility. Where do these leaders and visionaries turn when they feel out of sorts, or when life throws them a curve?? When you are responsible for multiple people, assets, and demands, it can be very isolating and arduous, and can affect decision making and productivity. Business leaders need specialized support so they can continue to expand and grow healthy companies that generate good jobs and a positive company culture for employees.
Executives, CEOs, and business owners carry heavy burdens in today's economy, and need a specialized level of support when life doesn't go as planned. The Executive Program is designed just for this purpose - highly personalized, highly confidential, and offers a high level of access and assistance during times of distress and uncertainty.
Let’s get you back to top performance.
While working with hundreds of young people in preparing them to enter the workforce, I found many parents struggling with debilitating stress and feelings of being completely overwhelmed, especially those who were business owners and executives. In these roles, the stakes are high and there is a great deal of responsibility. Where do these leaders and visionaries turn when they feel out of sorts, or when life throws them a curve?? When you are responsible for multiple people, assets, and demands, it can be very isolating and arduous, and can affect decision making and productivity. Business leaders need specialized support so they can continue to expand and grow healthy companies that generate good jobs and a positive company culture for employees.
Executives, CEOs, and business owners carry heavy burdens in today's economy, and need a specialized level of support when life doesn't go as planned. The Executive Program is designed just for this purpose - highly personalized, highly confidential, and offers a high level of access and assistance during times of distress and uncertainty.
Let’s get you back to top performance.